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Serenic Navigator

SAP Business All-in-One

(0 reviews)

Business All-in-One, developed by SAP, can support small companies as well as large enterprises. SAP offers their applications for human resources, financial management, business intelligence and CRM on a stand alone basis.

Serenic Navigator

Intacct Financials and Accounting System

(0 reviews)

Intacct is a Cloud-based accounting solution that we tend to recommend to firms in professional services, banking, real estate and related industries. In addition to best-of-breed accounting, Intacct offers BI and CRM.

Serenic Navigator

ECi M1

(0 reviews)

ECi’s M1 is a solution that we recommend to manufacturers of made-to-order or engineered-to-order goods. Can also handle mixed-mode production. Users can purchase MRP as a stand-alone solution or within an integrated suite.

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