Why is your service free?
Our service is free for our customers because our goal is to help you find great business products,
not to charge you money for something you don’t need. We only get paid when we make a connection that benefits both the
software vendor and the technology buyer.
How can you be unbiased when you get paid by vendors?
Our goal is to make finding business technology a less painful process, which is why we’re focused on connecting you to
the best solutions available. We always provide our customers with multiple recommendations based on your business goals,
so we’re not influenced by any particular vendor.
How do you do your research?
We have a detailed process that begins with compiling a list of all known vendors in a specific product category.
We then thoroughly vet each vendor and product before reaching out to them to confirm that the information we’ve
gathered is correct. Finally, we score products based on certain features, which the Product Selection Tool references to create
tailored recommendations.
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