
5 tips for choosing the right Endpoint Security Solution in 2021

Protecting your endpoints from cyber threats is a significant aspect of securing your organization’s network. The very first step in choosing the best endpoint security solution is to understand what your business requirements. It is often seen that enterprises focus disproportionately on the network when developing a cybersecurity strategy. It is critical to also make endpoint and server security a priority, as this network-only focus creates “a cybersecurity imbalance that can be easily exploited. Any vulnerabilities on the network or at any of the endpoints can be leveraged by hackers and cybercriminals for phishing scams, zero-day attacks or drive-by downloads. As the devices being used in the network grow, so are the endpoints along with those vulnerabilities. Hence, it is mission critical to invest in best-of-grade endpoint security system to plug security gaps and detect threats faster across your entire security ecosystem. A cloud-based tool that protects everywhere, from network to endpoint, email, web and anything that come in between.

There are many solutions to choose from when looking for an endpoint protection solution, each one having its own benefits and valuable features, which can make choosing the right solution for your company all the more daunting. Here are 5 tips for choosing the best Endpoint Security Solution for your network.

1) Capabilities to pre-empt cyber attacks

As the adage goes, “Prevention is better than cure”. Your organization’s cyber security strategy should include processes and technology which helps you prevent prevent cyber-attacks and block malware at any point-of-entry in real-time. You should also factor proactive protection measures that identifies and patches vulnerabilities, and analyzes and stops suspicious low-prevalence executables before they challenge your endpoints. Other factors to consider include ongoing intelligence on latest threats, static and dynamic analysis of suspicious threats, and signature-based AV detection

2) Do proof of concept

One of the most important things to do when looking for an endpoint protection solution is to run a proof of concept and proof of technology. Make sure you know just how much return you will get on your investment beforehand. As you're testing it out, see how quickly you can do it and then see how easy it is to remediate those vulnerabilities as mentioned earlier. It is also important to adapt your policies to improve the product even more.

3) Alignment of solution goals to that of your organization

During PoC, spend time understanding how the endpoint solution fits in with the overall cyber security strategy of your organization and ensure your eventual solution will meet your company’s specific needs. Also integration with other vendors could be important as well. Our advice is to calculate your needs accurately and make a decision based on an assessment of the price, licensing, integration, future roadmap and support extended. When you are about to choose an endpoint security solution, do look for stability, security, and safety.

4) Ongoing monitoring and Rapid breach detection system

It is next to impossible to prevent 100% of Ransomware and cyber-attacks, and some of the advanced malware may still get in. The endpoint security system should constantly monitor all files at all endpoints and spot malicious behavior, and keep a record of all activities for later action. A good cyber-security system should also give visibility into where malware came from, where it’s been and what it’s doing. Assign great priority to a solution that uses the most up-to-date indications of compromise and the most behavioral indicators and prioritizes threat alerts so you are always resolving the most pervasive cyber security threats first. Further, It should be able to easily connect the dots on a malware compromise, from start to finish, across endpoints and networks.

5) Vendor support

For most CISOs and IT security managers, ongoing and reliable vendor support remains a key aspect of investing in an IT solution. Choose a vendor who you can communicate well and make sure that they are available to support you at every stage of onboarding and usage of the solution. You also need to understand the shortcomings of the tool and challenges faced by others with the tool and how the vendor has extended support to other customers to overcome those challenges.

And finally, do factor in the time it will take for you to get used to your new endpoint protection solution. Take your time and plan it out before attempting to deploy in a production environment. Although there are great endpoint security solutions available, there is still a significant difference in the quality of the solutions. The biggest differences are in the smallest details. A sound quality evaluation is extremely important when choosing optimal endpoint security.

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